Artefacts from our Past

French & Jupps is amongst a handful of England’s oldest manufacturing companies. Over the past 200 years, we’ve grown a stunning collecting of historical items.

The collection contains items that span a number of eras from the early 19th Century through to the late 20th Century

French & Jupps Bicycle

<br />Discovered in our engineers store room…..
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Industrial Singer Sewing Machine

This Singer sewing machine, nestled away in one of the corners of our Maltings is a Class 45 Industrial...
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The foundations that support the No.3 Maltings Building are different to that of the New House Malting,...
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Sack Spear

The sack spear was thrust into the sack of incoming barley loaded on barges and horse and cart to collect...
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F&J Sales Ledger

The earliest record in this ledger dates back to 1870 and records the sale of malt to brewer&#8217;s...
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Corn Balance

This is a 19th Century Corn Balance (Chrondometer) dating to 1826 made by Bryant Corocon Ltd and Co....
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1CWT Tag for Malt Sack

These tags were attached to the rope that tied up the malt sack and also gave an indication of the weight...
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Auction Advertisement for Riverside Maltings

The Riverside Maltings on the opposite side to the Jolly Fisherman pub, was auctioned in 1864 at the...
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The Importance of Women in the Maltings Industry

During the Great War, Women made up a large percentage of the workforce filing the vacant jobs left by...
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Wagon Label

Before 1920, Grain made up around 80% of rail traffic. After this date, the production of wheat declined...
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Malt Shovel

Since 200AD Maltsters have used floor maltings, a traditional method for malting barley. After the malt...
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French & Jupps

Crystal Malt - Process

Crystal Malting Process Drawing

To learn about the journey from field to glass and more detailed explanation of the malting process click below.


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Our Vision

Proudly delivering outstanding quality and services for centuries to come.

OUr Mission

We pride ourselves in:
Producing the finest quality speciality malts
Providing an inspiring environment for businesses to develop and grow
Supporting the community and local youth programmes

Our Values

Family owned and driven by core family values. 

We are: One team, supportive, honest, respectful and care greatly about our community, local talented youth and the environment.

Contact Us



French & Jupps Ltd, Roydon Road, Stanstead Abbotts, Herts, SG12 8HG​

Proudly Creating Perfecting Malting Since 1689